Tuesday 13 March 2007

Enough already with the rhinos!

With the new question up on LoveToLead I feel it is my duty to shift attention from the ‘shmaltzy cutesy’ miracle of life shenanigans to the ultimate gift, death.

Is euthanasia fundamental to civilised society?

Allow me to wade in with my widow maker of a scythe and deliver an angle on this. I always figured that in the lives we lead only two things really matter, love and death, romantic I know. Of this proclaimed partnership the more significant is death, being that it has a greater rigidity and presence, it’s more tangible.

Thus, death as I see it needs to be courted, dismissed and eventually denied to reach a completeness of existence, a nirvana of sorts. To do this, one must take away the power that death enacts on each and every one of us. The nullifying of the inevitable is an almost impossible task, but euthanasia maybe tied into this. Whether it's right or wrong I don’t know, that's for you, the occupants of the blogosphere to decide over at LovetoLead… sorry.



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